i was due on march 17th. i
had my last appointment on monday the 25th with my midwife, amy. at the end of my pregnancy she started asking if i felt ready for the baby to come. during my last few
appointments, i told her i didn't really feel like it was time. haj and i
were trying to finish up a few projects around the house and just like
my pregnancy with rain, i didn't feel overly uncomfortable. i didn't
feel any rush to have my baby or any anxiety about going past my date
besides the impending cut-off date for having a homebirth. rain was 2
weeks late so i felt like my baby was fine and just needed more time.
but at this appointment, i finally felt ready. after my last
appointment, i had to go for an NST at the hospital to make sure my baby
was okay. we just weren't getting any heart accelerations that amy
liked to see, but the baby behaved perfectly for the nurse at the
hospital. even though i knew my baby was fine, i let my mind run wild
with worse-case scenarios (mostly that i wouldn't get the homebirth i
wanted so badly) before we got to the hospital and left still feeling a
little uneasy. i wanted my baby to come before something else had
the chance to threaten my birth plans. so i started willing the
baby to come out, mentally giving permission for my body to let go. i
told amy that this time i was ready. she told me she wouldn't be
surprised if the baby came very soon because there is a connection
between mentality and birth time. after weighing me, she was a little
surprised to see me drop a pound and a half. i googled weight loss at
home and found it could be a sign of my approaching birth time!
that night i had a lot of energy and stayed up super late trying to
fix my broken ipods and load the hypnobabies playlists i would need
during my birth time. i had been using the hypnobabies home study to
prepare for my birth. at first i was diligent about practicing exactly
what was suggested every week, but after a few weeks i started to
slack. i didn't practice entering hypnosis multiple times during the day
or even at all. i didn't listen to each track consciously once. all i
did was listen to a track when i got into bed and it put me to sleep
within 5 minutes. they say that it's okay if you fall asleep sometimes
because it still reaches your subconscious but you should at least know
what you are listening to. i was disappointed in myself for not
following through with the program that i really believed in, but i
hoped that i would at least take away the ability to remain in control
and focus. i finally made myself go to bed only to wake up a few hours
later at 3:30am with what felt like crampy braxton hicks.
when the crampy braxton hicks continued even after i peed, i
knew it was the beginning of my birth time. i felt excited but also
anxious and realized i was already clenching up every time they came. i
knew that i would have to start concentrating on breathing, relaxing,
and opening now if i wanted to continue to do so when the birthing waves
became more intense. without really putting myself into hypnosis, i
started practicing some of the hypnobabies techniques and continued to
do so throughout the rest of my labor. i went to the bathroom twice and
had loose stools (maybe TMI but also another early birth time sign!). i
ate a banana and went back to bed to listen to my hypnobabies birthing
day affirmations on an old iphone. i downloaded a contraction counter
app to start timing them as i listened. i fell half asleep, but my waves
kept me from falling into my usual hynobabies induced deep sleep.
knocked on the door at 5:30am because haj forgot to move his car out of
her way. when he came back to bed, i told him that i thought today was
the day and that i couldn't sleep but he should. he couldn't sleep
either so he got up to do the pile of dishes and tidy up the house. i
texted ashley to give her a heads up that we would need her today, but
no rush. at 6am, i texted amy to let her know i was in early labor, but
my pressure waves weren't regular yet. they were coming every 4-9min and
lasting 30sec-1min long. she told me to call when they started to get
more regular or if my water broke. she also gave me instructions for the
hibiclens wash i planned to do because i tested positive for GBS.
raced around the house getting together last minute stuff. it was hard
to think straight with my excitement, nerves, and birthing waves. i
would run into one room and then forget what i went there for so haj
ended up doing most of the prep. he added the mattress pad and extra
sheet to the bed, brought in the already blown up birthing pool, washed
towels, and entertained rain. i pooed at least 2 more times during this
time and then took an extra long shower sometime around 7am. i leaned
against the wall and closed my eyes through every wave to maintain my
focus. they were definitely uncomfortable but completely bearable at
this point. by the time i got out of the shower, my waves seemed to have
slowed down and become less intense. i took my time to get ready and
then ashley arrived sometime around 8am.
my contractions
weren't picking up and i started to worry that i could be experiencing
false labor. i was bummed. i didn't want to start completely over again
another day! as we sat around the dining room table, i apologized to
ashley telling her that it may not happen today. right after i said
that, i got up to go to the bathroom and my water broke! warm fluid ran
down my leg and soaked my pants. i waddled to the bathroom to clean up
and make sure it was clear. i felt nervous because my waves became super
intense after my water broke with rain.
i called amy
almost immediately after it happened at 9am. i still hadn't done the
hibiclens because i didn't think i was progressing so i asked if it was
okay to do it now that my water broke. she gave me the go ahead. after i
hung up, i went to the bathroom and spayed the peri bottle mixture
inside me. i noticed my waves were stronger again and closer together. i
could still talk through them but preferred not to. it took a lot more
focus to get through them without clenching up. i grabbed my ipod, lay
on my left side in bed, and put one earpiece in my right ear to listen
to hypnobabies. i wasn't sure if i would want to listen to it during my
birth time, but her voice was soothing and her words calmed me.
midwife's assistant, linda (a retired ob nurse) arrived first around
9:30am and amy came shortly after. amy checked my vitals, listened to
the baby (which she would continue to do every half hour and more often
during pushing) and then prepped the room. i watched her set up a little
area with a heating pad and towels in case the baby needed some
extra help after birth. meeting my baby so soon suddenly seemed more
imaginable and a warm feeling flooded through me. i felt ready. my waves
continued to strengthen. by the time she was done, it was really hard
to talk through them so i answered questions with a "mmmmhhmmmm" or just
ignored whoever was talking.
at this point, around 10am, i
had found my rhythm which allowed me to feel in control. i still hadn't
moved from my left side on the edge of my bed and remained there for
the next hour and a half or so. i lay there silently focusing on my
breath, hearing bits and pieces of the hypnobabies tracks in my ear. as i
felt a wave begin, i closed my eyes telling myself over and over again
relax, relax your face, relax your body, relax your mind, peace, peace, breath, etc.
sometimes i could hear the hypnobabies track and her words were
helpful. other times i was too focused to listen. as they became more
powerful, i started to tell myself through the peak of the wave it's only pressure and tightening let the baby come down, open, open, open.
even though the sensation felt far more intense than just pressure, the
mantra still helped by preventing me from becoming fearful of the
pressure waves and giving me something to concentrate on. instead of
resisting, i was able to convince myself to welcome and accept the
waves. however, i could no longer keep my body completely limp. i was
able to keep most of my upper body and face relaxed, but my toes and
legs started to curl and flex during the peaks. i started to feel
slightly nauseous, probably from the peanut butter toast i tried to eat a little earlier. amy put my puke bucket next to me, but i never
had to use it. instead, i just hiccuped/burped off and on through most
of my remaining pressure waves.
amy asked if i was ready to
fill the tub. she asked a couple of times earlier, but i really wanted
to wait until i was near pushing because i heard it could slow down the
process and i wanted to save it as a relief for when things felt too
tough. i didn't think i was close to giving birth (amy didn't plan on
checking my cervix unless it was something i wanted), but now the waves
were so intense i was ready to try anything to take the edge off.
(later, ashley told me that before amy asked to fill the tub, she heard
her tell haj that she didn't think i would be having a water birth if we
didn't start getting the pool ready soon!) i watched them fill the pool
with water as i struggled to relax my body during the waves. i willed
them with my mind to hurry. i wouldn't describe the waves as unbearable
but i felt my focus beginning to unravel. with every wave, i was slowly
losing control. since the contractions weren't unbearable, i thought i
was only at the beginning and started to feel afraid that i was on my
way to becoming the convulsing, flailing, puking, weeping mess i was
with rain at 3cm. i just didn't want to lose the small amount of control
i had left. so when the pool was full and amy asked me to get up to use
the bathroom first, i didn't want to move. my waves were so strong that
i couldn't/wouldn't move during and they were close enough together
that every time i felt like i could get up, i would feel another one
coming. finally, at the end of one, i said "now!" i hung from haj as he
helped me to the toilet. as soon as i stood up, i thought i felt the
baby move down or maybe it was the gravity giving me a sudden awareness
of just how low the baby was. i felt this slight urge to poo and
wondered how i was going to poo through waves. i knew that sensation
could mean i was nearing the time to push, but i didn't think it was
possible i was that close to pushing.
when i got to
the toilet, waves came strong and fast. when i left the safe place on my
bed, i lost my rhythm and the little control i had over my body along
with it. i was no longer able to relax anything during the waves. i had
flashbacks of laboring on the hospital toilet as i flung my body back
through a pressure wave and then leaned forward on haj until the next one.
amy really wanted me to pee, but i couldn't. i was starting to shake
and feel desperate. i told haj i didn't think i could do it and in my
mind, i scolded myself for trying to do it at home. why was i not at the hospital? what was i trying to prove? this was not worth it!
i repeatedly told haj that it hurt so bad and i think that was the
first time i said any word to do with pain out loud. i didn't want to
say anything negative. i was trying to convince my mind/body that the
sensations i felt weren't pain, but my waves had become unbearable and i
didn't feel like there were any real breaks between them. i told haj
that the pain never went away and i just couldn't go on. even though i
heard amy say i was close, i assumed i was only at 3cm (when i got an
epidural with rain). i had no idea i was in transition.
was now obvious that i was not going to pee so amy asked if i was ready
to get in the pool. i wanted to get in the pool, i just didn't want to
get off the toilet. i didn't know how i could get off the toilet with my
with my waves being so powerful and close together. somehow they heaved
me off the toilet and into the pool around 11:30am. i hung over the
edge and held onto haj. for the next half hour, the only word i was
capable of saying was "no". amy asked if it felt better to be in the
pool. "NO!" haj put a washcloth on my face that had previously felt so
good. "nooooo". amy asked me to turn slightly so that she could listen
to the baby. "NO!" i think i only had a couple waves in the tub which
seemed to be further apart than the ones in the bathroom until i started
pushing. it didn't feel like a choice. i started to feel the urge
during a wave and then it just happened with the next one. i think i did
tell amy, "i'm pushing!"
i was still hanging over
the edge but now i was floating with my body awkwardly twisted to the
side. amy asked me to change positions. "nooo!." i had been silent
through most of my waves and whined my way through transition. now i let
out a primal "aaaaaahhhhhhh" with every wave/push. i remember thinking
that they were too high pitched. ina may stressed that they should be
low and deep to encourage opening but they were uncontrollable. i could
feel the baby start to crown. pushing hurt but it was also really
satisfying to push through the pain and feel the progress. after my next
push, amy told me to feel my baby. "NO!". i now knew what was meant by
the ring of fire, but i had assumed it was an instantaneous sensation
and this fire didn't go away! amy told me to let the baby come and ease
up on pushing. i knew she was trying to prevent me from tearing but i
decided i would rather rip in half than endure the fire or another wave!
so with the next contraction i ignored her and pushed with all my might
and the baby's head slid out. amy told me to touch the baby's head and
gently push it back with the next wave. i didn't want to move or touch
anything in fear that the sensations i was feeling inside and outside my
body would get worse so of course i gave her another short "no". but i
did brush my fingers along the top of the baby's head. it felt so soft,
mushy, and exhilarating. i pushed a shoulder out with the next push.
after only about 15min of pushing, i felt the whole body slide out with
my last push.
amy encouraged me to grab my baby, but i
was frozen in shock. everything was so intense and then over so
quickly. she scooped the baby up,
i leaned back and she lay the baby on my chest. for the first few
seconds i was in awe, trying to process my new reality. i was expecting to have more of an outward and immediate emotional
response since i was now so familiar with the overwhelming love that
comes with a child. but everything was so surreal. i just lay there
holding her, taking her in. amy had to tell me to talk to and rub my
baby! she let out a loud cry and pinked up right away. i could see
the color creep over her skin. finally, i woke up enough from my daze to
ask, "what is it!?" amy said "it's a girl!" i was shocked and thrilled. i
told everyone and myself that i really didn't know what the sex was,
but it was obvious by my surprise that i was expecting a boy.
amy and linda commented on how perfect and healthy she looked. she searched for my breast right away. as i nursed, i marveled over my new baby girl. she was this tiny human with a scrunched up face and huge lips swollen from her quick decent. her big cheeks accentuated a little pointy chin. she had darker hair and to my surprise, was much chubbier than rain (8lbs, 7oz!). she even had a big chunk of fat folded at the back of her neck (later, i joked that i wanted to pick her up like a puppy!). if her eyes were closed, they formed one line from outer corner to outer corner completed by the crease of skin on her nose. as i looked into those puffy alert eyes, i felt sheer joy and gratitude.
i'm not a religious person. i would like to call myself spiritual but i'm ashamed to admit how little attention i've given that aspect of my life lately. i will say i definitely believe in a higher power and in that moment of bliss and several more throughout the past few weeks, all i could do was thank god and rejoice. i'm so thankful for my birthing experience, my healthy baby girl, my beautiful son and my amazing partner. there's so much love in my life. it's beyond me how i got so lucky. i certainly don't deserve it and truly feel blessed.
amy and linda commented on how perfect and healthy she looked. she searched for my breast right away. as i nursed, i marveled over my new baby girl. she was this tiny human with a scrunched up face and huge lips swollen from her quick decent. her big cheeks accentuated a little pointy chin. she had darker hair and to my surprise, was much chubbier than rain (8lbs, 7oz!). she even had a big chunk of fat folded at the back of her neck (later, i joked that i wanted to pick her up like a puppy!). if her eyes were closed, they formed one line from outer corner to outer corner completed by the crease of skin on her nose. as i looked into those puffy alert eyes, i felt sheer joy and gratitude.
i'm not a religious person. i would like to call myself spiritual but i'm ashamed to admit how little attention i've given that aspect of my life lately. i will say i definitely believe in a higher power and in that moment of bliss and several more throughout the past few weeks, all i could do was thank god and rejoice. i'm so thankful for my birthing experience, my healthy baby girl, my beautiful son and my amazing partner. there's so much love in my life. it's beyond me how i got so lucky. i certainly don't deserve it and truly feel blessed.
ruby bloom arrived, completing our family, on march 26th at 11:55am.

omg kezzie. this is beautiful and she is absolutely stunning! what a big girl and i love that eye crease.
ReplyDeleteyour story reminds me so much of ramona's birth story (and i love that you call them "waves"). i want to come to hawaii just to give her a kiss and hold your hand while we talk about motherhood. thank you for sharing this story.
It feels like I was there! Love- Emily, you should come with me in June!
ReplyDeletethanks you guys. my experience does seem very similar to yours emily! "waves" was a hypnobabies term. i wasn't supposed to use any words that my mind associated with negativity or fear. they suggested using different words for labor and contraction. i was so used to thinking in the hypnobabies language that it was only natural to use it to write my birth story. plus, i wanted it to be hypnobabies friendly in case any of my friends decided to try it! you are not supposed to read any birth stories that talk about birth being painful or scary. it's all about changing your subconscious. mind over body!