

rain is all boy. trucks and trains, trucks and trains, trucks and trains... "with sharp teeths that hurts peoples" of course. i have no idea how he came up with 'hurt peoples". im hoping it's just normal boy behavior?

oh ruby, those floppy ears... i love them. haj's ma, maria said his sister had the same ears when she was a baby. a little old japanese woman at the grocery store took one look at them and said, "big ears. smart!" aiyana is pretty much a genius so i have no doubt ruby will be too. obviously.

we like to dangle toys over ruby and watch her bat at them like a cat.

ruby doesn't mind tummy time as much anymore. she can now roll over onto her back which still thrills me every time. sometimes she only makes it halfway over and it takes everything in me not to immediately help her the rest of the way. her grunting struggle to swing her leg over can be a little painful to watch. kinda like a bug on its back.

if you are seeing more of ruby than rain here, it's because rain only lets me take photos of his back. (that, and infants change much more weekly than 2 year olds do). rain does not like having his picture taken. however, yesterday he was surprisingly cooperative. he does like playing photographer with my old canon elph which happens to be just his size.

talk to me ruby baby! i have yet to capture her wide open mouth smile but these cooing grins never fail to make my heart flutter.

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